Every company with personnel in the Netherlands, for example an office, must arrange a company emergency response team (Bedrijfshulpverlening, BHV) so in the event of emergencies, employees and visitors are properly cared for.

According to article 15 of the Working Conditions Act your company has to have trained ERO’s. In Dutch: BHV bedrijfshulpverlener. With our ERO (BHV) course you comply with the Law.


Contents of the ERO course

  • Provide first aid and CPR with an AED
  • Containing and extinguishing small fires
  • Raising the alarm and evacuating all employees and other individuals
  • Call for help and communicate


The instructor
Classes are taught by a NedCert certified instructor who provide compact, no-nonsense BHV courses in a modern way, with lots of practical exercises. By applying a balanced mix of learning styles, the BHV course is, from the beginning to the end, fun, informative and engaging. We work with small groups, so we are able to give a lot of personal attention.


The ERO certificate
The examination is conducted by NedCert Certification according to ISO 17024. If someone succeeds, he receives a certificate Emergency Response Officer (BHV). The certificate is valid for 2 years.


Course fee
The price of the BHV course includes the textbook and the use of emergency response training materials, bandages, AED’s, extinguishers, free tea / coffee, free lunch and examination fees.
This training day also is suitable as a refresher or when someone has done a BHV course before at another organization.

Base course 



1 day



€325,49 (incl btw)

Including teaching materials, certificate, exam, lunch, coffee and tea. 

ERO course/recertification (1x every 2 year)